
Is Being Jaded A Good Thing?


Is Being Jaded A Good Thing?

"First, I wanted to get rid of this feeling. What happened to my old enthusiasm? But as I read more and re-framed it, I saw it in another light. The best thing about feeling jaded is that you can think long-term. Your emotions can be more even-keeled and you’re not chasing the quick high of a new experience. In other words you won’t get temporarily fooled."

What does it mean to be jaded?

To be jaded means to be disillusioned or cynical as a result of having experienced too much of something, particularly social activities, hobbies, or something that was once exciting or enjoyable.

For example, someone who has been in the dating game for a long time and has experienced many disappointments may become jaded and lose faith in the possibility of finding true love. But as usual with any preconceived notion, if we apply a little reframing, being jaded can have some positive aspects.

It can mean that a person has become more independent and self-sufficient, and is less reliant on the approval and attention of others. This can lead to greater self-confidence and a stronger sense of self-worth, getting over past relationship regrets, and figuring out what you want to do with your life.

While there are some downsides of potentially being locked off to new people or experiences, a jaded person may be less likely to fall for superficiality or emotionally manipulative behaviors, like negging.

They have become more discerning and less likely to be swayed by flattery or false promises, leading to healthier and more authentic relationships with others based on genuine mutual respect and understanding.

What does feeling jaded mean for your love life?

When you feel jaded on love, it means you’re feeling tired, cynical, or hopeless about the prospect of romantic relationships. Being jaded can make it tough to get excited enough to connect with someone new and find happiness in a relationship. This tends to happen because of bad experiences in the past that make it hard to trust or feel excited about love.

But with some time and self-reflection and a healthy dose of mental reframing, it’s possible to move past these jaded feelings and have a healthy, fulfilling relationship.

Maybe it’s that time of year, but more people seem to be asking “Am I Jaded?”

There’s a question that keeps coming up in my social intelligence one-on-ones with folks, and that question is “am I jaded?” To me, jaded implies a certain cynicism, like you’ve done something so many times it doesn’t excite you anymore, or you think you know how something’s going to play out before it happens.

People tell me they want to make more friends, but they feel jaded and weary of small talk.

They want to find love, but they’re exhausted of the cautious, predictable, getting-to-know-you dance of early dating.

I think I have been feeling a bit jaded too, whether in relationships, work, travel, or exercise. (Uh oh, those are a lot of my favorite things!) I decided not to take any holiday vacations this year because going somewhere didn’t feel exciting.

First, I wanted to get rid of this feeling. What happened to my old enthusiasm?

But as I read more and reframed it, I saw it in another light. The best thing about feeling jaded is that you can think long-term. Your emotions can be more even-keeled and you’re not chasing the quick high of a new experience. In other words you won’t get temporarily fooled.

Let’s take romantic relationships for instance.

Many mistakes happen in choosing a partner because of the high we get from that electric connection with a new person. Self-help author and blogger Mark Manson wrote about the difference between romantic love and true love. He says, “Romantic love is a trap designed to get two people to overlook each other’s faults long enough to get some babymaking done. It generally only lasts for a few years at most.” He sees true love on the other hand as a “deep, abiding love that is impervious to emotional whims or fancy” and “a choice.” Basically it’s the long-term commitment to someone regardless of the present circumstances and supporting each other emotionally for the long haul.

When the initial blaze of romantic love fades, and life challenges come up, a relationship is put to the test.

A couple learns if their partnership is actually strong enough to weather the storm. If they were previously so intoxicated by romantic love that they were blind to each other’s personal challenges, they might be in for a shock.

But if you’re a bit jaded, when you meet a new person, it’s easier to see how they may connect with you beyond the honeymoon phase.

How aligned are your beliefs and life goals?

How compatible are your communication styles?

How strong is their emotional intelligence?

Taking a step back and seeing something for what it really is, is a sobering process and might not be that fun. But it can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life. This can also work for scoping out new friends or even a job. (Would that job actually be a good fit for you? Or are you just super excited by the idea of working for that cool company?)

As Jaunty students know, there’s a big high in meeting new people and it’s fun.

Once you do it enough, you may get a bit jaded and learn to focus on things you are specifically looking for quicker. When you know you can strike up a conversation with anyone, you’re coming from a place of abundance, and therefore you can be more thoughtful about the kind of people you really want in your life.

That’s why our goal at Jaunty is to get your people skills so second nature that you can concentrate on looking for what you really want long term.

As you look back at your year, ask yourself what short-term highs you may have chased versus what longer-term commitments you chose. Either is fine, but one is more fulfilling. Happy New Year.


Eric Waisman

Eric Waisman

Founding Instructor

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