
What Are Mixed Signals?

Mixed signals in a relationship refer to inconsistent or contradictory behaviors and communications that create confusion about a person’s true feelings or intentions. These signals can be frustrating and challenging to interpret, often leaving the recipient unsure of where they stand in the relationship.

What are Mixed Signals in Flirting?

Mixed signals in flirting refer to the confusing and often contradictory messages that one person sends to another in the context of romantic or sexual interest. These signals can be verbal or non-verbal and can leave the recipient unsure about the sender’s true feelings or intentions.

For example, a person might flirt heavily one day, then act distant the next, leaving the other person unsure if they are genuinely interested or not.

Why do People Send Mixed Signals?

People send mixed signals for a variety of reasons. Some might do it unintentionally due to their own emotional baggage, confusion or uncertainty about their feelings. Others might do it intentionally to keep the other person interested or to maintain a sense of control in the relationship.

It’s also possible that what one person perceives as mixed signals is simply the other person’s normal way of interacting, highlighting the importance of clear communication in any relationship.

Types of Mixed Signals

1. Hot and Cold

This type of mixed signal involves alternating between showing a lot of interest (hot) and then suddenly becoming distant or unresponsive (cold). This can be very confusing for the recipient, who may feel like they’re on an emotional rollercoaster.

Important note: Consistent hot and cold behavior can be a sign of emotional manipulation. If you’re on the receiving end of this, it’s important to communicate your feelings and consider seeking advice.

2. Affectionate but Non-Committal

In this scenario, a person might be very affectionate and flirtatious but avoid any talk of commitment or a serious relationship. They might also avoid introducing you to their friends or family, keeping the relationship in a sort of limbo.

Important note: If you’re looking for a committed relationship, this type of mixed signal can be very frustrating. It’s important to communicate your needs and expectations clearly.

3. Verbal vs. Non-Verbal

Here, a person’s words and actions don’t align. They might say they’re not interested in a relationship, but their body language and behavior suggest otherwise. Or they might say they’re very interested, but their actions don’t follow through.

Important note: Actions often speak louder than words. If someone’s words and actions don’t align, it’s usually best to trust their actions.

How To Handle Mixed Signals In A Relationship

When dealing with mixed signals, it’s crucial to respect the other person’s boundaries. If they’re sending mixed signals because they’re unsure about their feelings, pressuring them for clarity can be counterproductive. It’s important to communicate openly about your confusion and ask for clarity in a respectful way. Remember, consent and clear communication are key in any relationship.

Remember: It’s okay to step back from a relationship if the mixed signals are causing you distress or confusion. Your emotional well-being should always come first.

1. Communicate Openly

When you’re receiving mixed signals, it’s important to communicate your feelings openly. Let the other person know that you’re confused and ask for clarity. This can help prevent misunderstandings and unnecessary hurt.

2. Be Patient

It’s possible that the person sending mixed signals is unsure about their own feelings. In this case, being patient and giving them space to figure things out can be helpful. However, it’s also important to set boundaries and ensure that your own emotional needs are being met.

3. Trust Your Gut

If something doesn’t feel right, trust your instincts. If the mixed signals continue despite your efforts to communicate and seek clarity, it might be a sign that the relationship isn’t right for you.


1. Don’t Ignore Your Feelings

If the mixed signals are causing you distress or confusion, don’t ignore your feelings. It’s important to acknowledge your emotions and take steps to address the situation.

2. Don’t Make Assumptions

It can be easy to jump to conclusions when you’re receiving mixed signals, but making assumptions can often lead to misunderstandings. Instead, seek clarity directly from the person sending the signals.

3. Don’t Tolerate Disrespect

If the mixed signals are part of a pattern of disrespectful or manipulative behavior, it’s important to stand up for yourself. Remember, everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness.