
What Is Hot And Cold Flirting?

In the context of flirting, ‘hot and cold’ refers to a pattern of behavior where one alternates between showing interest (hot) and indifference (cold) towards someone they are attracted to. This can create a sense of uncertainty and intrigue, but can also lead to confusion and frustration for the person on the receiving end.

Some people may act in a ‘hot and cold’ manner out of insecurity, fear of commitment, or as a manipulative tactic to keep the other person interested. It should be treated as a relationship deal breaker.

Hot and Cold emotional treatment can become part of a pattern of toxic red flags such as Negging or Ghosting.

What does it mean when someone is ‘hot and cold’ in flirting?

When someone is ‘hot and cold’ in flirting, it means they are inconsistent in their behavior towards you. One moment they might be very attentive, showing a lot of interest and affection, and the next they might be distant and unresponsive. This can be very confusing as it’s hard to know where you stand with them.

For example, they might text you frequently one day, then ignore your messages the next. Or they might be very affectionate when you’re alone together, but act indifferent towards you in public.

Why do people flirt in a ‘hot and cold’ manner?

People might flirt in a ‘hot and cold’ manner for various reasons. Some might do it because they are unsure about their feelings or because they are afraid of getting too close to someone. Others might do it as a manipulative tactic to keep the other person guessing and therefore more interested in them.

However, it’s important to remember that this kind of behavior can be very hurtful and confusing for the person on the receiving end. It’s generally not a healthy or respectful way to flirt.

Types of ‘hot and cold’ flirting

1. The Push-Pull Technique

This is when someone alternates between showing interest (pushing) and showing disinterest (pulling). They might compliment you one moment, then ignore you the next. This can create a sense of uncertainty and intrigue but, through over use or bad timing, can also be very confusing and frustrating.

Be cautious of this technique as it can be a form of emotional manipulation.

2. The Fearful-Avoidant Style

This is when someone has a fear of getting too close to someone, so they alternate between being affectionate (hot) and distant (cold). They might be very loving one moment, then suddenly become aloof and unresponsive. This can be due to past traumas or insecurities.

It’s important to communicate openly with someone who exhibits this behavior and encourage them to seek professional help if necessary.

3. The Game Player

This is when someone deliberately acts ‘hot and cold’ as a manipulative tactic to keep the other person interested. They enjoy the power and control they have over the other person’s emotions. This is not a healthy or respectful way to flirt and should be avoided.

Remember, everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness. If someone is playing games with your emotions, it’s best to distance yourself from them.

4. The Social Climber

This is when someone acts ‘hot and cold’ because they are using you to improve their social status. They might be very affectionate and attentive when they need something from you, but become distant and unresponsive when they no longer need your help. This is a selfish and disrespectful way to treat someone.

Be wary of people who only seem interested in you for what you can offer them, rather than who you are as a person.

5. The Commitment-Phobe

This is when someone acts ‘hot and cold’ because they have a fear of commitment. They might be very affectionate and attentive one moment, but become distant and unresponsive when things start to get serious. This can be due to past traumas or insecurities. You may also be in a rebound relationship and not even know it!

It’s important to communicate openly with someone who exhibits this behavior and encourage them to seek professional help if necessary.

How should you respond to ‘hot and cold’ flirting?

The best way to respond to ‘hot and cold’ flirting is to communicate openly and honestly with the person. Let them know how their behavior is affecting you and ask them to explain their actions. If they continue to act in this way, it might be best to distance yourself from them.

Remember, you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. Don’t let someone else’s insecurity or fear of commitment affect your self-esteem or happiness.

Can ‘hot and cold’ flirting lead to a healthy relationship?

‘Hot and cold’ flirting can sometimes lead to a healthy relationship if the person is willing to work on their behavior and communicate openly with you. However, it’s important to remember that this kind of behavior can also be a sign of emotional manipulation or a fear of commitment, which can be harmful in a relationship.

It’s always important to trust your instincts and take care of your own emotional wellbeing. If someone’s behavior is causing you distress, it’s okay to distance yourself from them.

Always remember that a healthy relationship is based on mutual respect, trust, and open communication. If these elements are missing, it might be best to move on.


1. Communicate openly

If you’re on the receiving end of ‘hot and cold’ flirting, it’s important to communicate openly with the person. Let them know how their behavior is affecting you and ask them to explain their actions.

2. Trust your instincts

If someone’s ‘hot and cold’ behavior is causing you distress, trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.

3. Take care of your emotional wellbeing

Don’t let someone else’s ‘hot and cold’ behavior affect your self-esteem or happiness. It’s important to take care of your own emotional wellbeing.


1. Don’t ignore the red flags

If someone is consistently ‘hot and cold’, this is a red flag. It’s a sign that they might not be ready for a healthy relationship.

2. Don’t blame yourself

If someone is acting ‘hot and cold’ towards you, remember that it’s not your fault. This is their issue, not yours.

3. Don’t let them manipulate you

If someone is using ‘hot and cold’ behavior to manipulate you, don’t let them. Stand up for yourself and set clear boundaries.