
Social Skills Coaching: Yes It’s A Thing And We All Need It


Social Skills Coaching: Yes It’s A Thing And We All Need It

As our lives become increasingly intertwined with technology, it's important to ensure we don't lose touch with the most essential thing: human connection.

As our lives become increasingly intertwined with technology, it’s crucial to take conscious steps to ensure we don’t lose touch with the most important thing: human connection.

Social skills coaching can help bridge the gap between our online and in-person interactions, enhancing our ability to read the room, communicate more effectively, and approach any situation with confidence.

The goal of social coaching is to give people the tools they need to better navigate interpersonal interactions using techniques like role-playing, shaping, and modeling, providing feedback and reinforcing positive behaviors throughout the process.

“Sometimes you just have to break somebody’s robotic routine and give them a special experience, that’s become rarer in the digital age: a conversation with a stranger.” 

– Miguel Soria, Jaunty Success Story

What Is A Social Skills Coach?

A social skills coach is a professional who specializes in helping individuals improve their communication and interpersonal skills. They work with people to identify areas where they may be struggling or could use improvement and then provide guidance, feedback, and strategies to help them become more effective communicators.

Social skills coaching may focus on a wide range of skills, such as active listening, conflict resolution, public speaking, improving networking skills, and building relationships. Their ultimate goal is to help their clients build more positive and fulfilling social interactions in their personal and professional lives.

What Does A Social Skills Coach Do?

A social skills coach empowers individuals to enhance their interpersonal interactions and relationships.

The key responsibilities of a social skills coach include:

  1. Conducting sessions, one-on-one or group workshops to enhance communication skills.
  2. Analyzing social situations with empathy, helping clients better understand and navigate them effectively.
  3. Developing clients’ active listening skills, emotional intelligence, and overall communication acumen.
  4. Assisting in building rapport and maintaining positive relationships with new people.
  5. Facilitating the development of confidence and self-esteem for active engagement in social situations.
  6. Customizing coaching methods to align with individual needs, goals, and comfort levels.
  7. Providing constructive feedback, continuous support, and accountability to encourage consistent growth.

This highly flexible coaching process is not just for those struggling with social skills. It’s also beneficial for those aiming to improve networking abilities, enhance satisfaction in their love life, or boost their confidence in social settings.

When Should You Hire A Social Skills Coach?

Social skills coaching is a valuable investment for anyone seeking to improve their social skills and relationships. Hire a social skills coach when you notice any of these common patterns, telltale signs, or reoccurring situations in your life:

1. Difficulty in making and maintaining connections

If you struggle to make new friends or maintain existing relationships, a social skills coach can help you improve your communication and interpersonal skills.

2. Social anxiety or shyness

If you feel overly anxious or shy in social situations, a coach can help you manage your social fears and anxiety and develop the confidence to navigate various social settings. A social skills coach can teach you techniques to manage your anxiety, be more approachable, develop assertiveness, engage in effective conversations, and build a circle of friends.

3. Trouble with non-verbal communication

If you have difficulty reading or responding to body language, facial expressions, or tone of voice, a coach can help you improve your non-verbal communication skills.

4. Conflicts and misunderstandings

If you frequently find yourself unsure of how to say no, or constantly getting involved in in conflicts or misunderstandings with others, a social skills coach can help you learn effective conflict resolution and communication strategies.

5. Career stagnation or setbacks

If you feel your career is being held back due to poor networking, communication, or interpersonal skills, a coach can help you develop those skills and advance professionally.

6. Feeling isolated or lonely

If you feel disconnected from others and struggle to form meaningful relationships, a social skills coach can help you create deeper connections and build a supportive social circle.

7. Specific career, love life, or social goals

Suppose you have specific social skill goals, such as improving your public speaking, learning how to flirt, or overcoming hesitation around networking. In that case, a social skills coach can provide targeted guidance and practice to help you achieve those goals.

8. Seeking personal growth

If you’re committed to personal growth and self-improvement, working with a social skills coach can effectively enhance your communication and interpersonal abilities, leading to more fulfilling relationships and a higher quality of life.

9. Difficulty adapting to new people and situations

If you find it challenging to adapt to new social environments, such as moving to a new city or starting a new job, a coach can help you develop the skills needed to navigate these changes with confidence.

10. Feedback from others that you could use some help

If you’ve received feedback from friends, family, or colleagues that your social skills could use improvement, consider working with a social skills coach to address those areas.

11. Feeling like something is “holding you back”

If you feel that your social skills are holding you back in any aspect of your life or want to enhance your abilities, working with a social skills coach can be an invaluable investment in your personal and professional success.

How Can Social Skills Training With A Coach Help Adults?

1. Coaching can help people with autism to better understand and communicate with others

Autism is a neurological disorder that affects social interaction, communication, and social behavior. People with autism often have difficulty understanding and responding to nonverbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions. They may also have trouble making eye contact and engaging in small talk. As a result, people with autism can often benefit from coaching. A coach can help teach social skills and provide guidance on how to initiate and maintain conversations.

They can also offer advice on how to interpret and respond to the body language and sense of humor of others. In addition, a coach can help people with autism to understand and manage their emotions. As a result, coaching can be an invaluable tool for helping people with autism to interact more effectively with the world around them.

Jaunty is proud of the success we have had with our ASD community members.

2. A social skills coach can help adults with social anxiety feel more comfortable in social situations

For many people, social anxiety can be a debilitating condition that prevents them from enjoying the fullness of life. Everyday social activities like going to work, shopping for groceries, or making eye contact can become stressful ordeals.

Social situations that are supposed to be enjoyable, like flirting at a party, or attending big family gatherings, can be fraught with anxiety when you feel like you have no social skills. With the help of a coach, people with anxiety can learn to manage their symptoms in social settings and enjoy a fuller, richer life.

Let’s face it, we live much of our social and work lives online in a virtual reality. The ability to fully be present and enjoy those in-person moments with other people is game-changing in your quality of life.

3. Working with a social skills training coach can benefit people of all ages, from children to adults, and keep you accountable

A coach will keep you accountable with action steps and support you to make real changes in your social life. Coaching provides a space to practice each specific skill you want to work on with immediate feedback. A good coach will keep you on track with check-ins, setting social goals, and tracking your progress.

The most important message we can send out is that improving social confidence is possible at any point in your life. It is never too late to learn or brush up on these important skills.

4. Coaching can help people learn how to make friends, build relationships, and more

Building and maintaining friendships is an important part of life, but it can be difficult to know how to go about it. That’s where coaching comes in. A coach can help you learn the skills you need to make friends and build social relationships. They can teach you how to start a conversation, how to listen effectively, and how to handle conflict. A social skills coach can also help you identify the qualities that are important to you in a social circle and find people who share those qualities. If you’re struggling to make friends or build meaningful relationships, coaching could be the answer.

How Long Does It Take To Gain Social Skills With A Social Skills Coach?

Social skills coaches will typically tailor their approach to the individual, so the length of time it takes to see results will depend on what’s necessary for success. The important thing is to be patient and consistent with the coaching process. Some people may see results after a few sessions, while others may need more time.

What Are Some Interpersonal Skills You Can Improve By Working With A Social Coach?

A social skills coach can help you with a wide range of communication and interpersonal skills, such as:

1. Active listeningLearning to listen attentively and respond appropriately to others.
2. AssertivenessLearning to express your needs, wants, and opinions in a clear and confident manner.
3. Conversation skillsLearning to start, maintain, and end conversations effectively.
4. Nonverbal communicationLearning to read and use body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice to convey messages.
5. Conflict resolutionLearning to manage conflicts and disagreements constructively.
6. Public speakingLearning to prepare and deliver effective presentations or speeches.
7. NetworkingLearning to connect with others and build professional relationships.
8. Social etiquetteLearning to navigate social situations and understand social norms and expectations.
9. Flirting skillsLearning to express romantic interest in a playful, confident, and respectful manner.
10. Managing anxietyLearning to manage nervousness or anxiety in social situations.
11. BoundariesLearning to set and communicate healthy boundaries with people in your life.

Can You Improve Social Skills Later In Life?

Absolutely! While it’s true that social skills are often learned in childhood, it’s never too late to learn or take action steps to improve them. Social coaching can be beneficial for people of all ages.

How Can Coaching Help Improve Social Skills?

1. Coaching helps people learn how to communicate effectively and build relationships

2. People who have had coaching tend to see positive career changes, healthier relationships, and higher self-esteem

3. Social coaching can help people with a variety of issues, including shyness, autism spectrum disorder, and ADHD

4. You can work on developing social skills individually with a coach or as part of a group

5. Coaches use various methods to help their clients improve people skills, including role-playing, positive reinforcement, and feedback

6. The benefits of coaching are vast and far-reaching and can help people lead happier, more fulfilling lives

7. It’s never too late to learn social skills, and coaching is beneficial for people of all ages

The benefits of learning social skills are life-changing

Whether you’re a shy introvert or a social butterfly, everyone can benefit from social coaching. Good social skills are like problem solving skills that are incredibly useful for everything from making friends to getting jobs, and yet many of us never receive any formal instruction on how to interact with others. This is where coaching comes in.

A professional social skills coach can help you learn everything from how long to hold eye contact to how to build rapport with anyone – and all essential skills for success in personal and professional relationships.

“What Jaunty has done is provide a place where people can safely practice conversational skills without the fear of rejection. Since I started a couple weeks ago, when going out, I’ve talked to strangers, especially girls, I would usually shell up around, and even got a phone number. At a bonfire, I was able to start the conversation and keep it going among a group of people in which I only knew the host. And with people I already know, I’ve been able to keep the conversation going whereas before Jaunty I would run out of things to say and sometimes cut the conversation short. This is life-changing.”

Jonathan Tostado, Jaunty success story

Social skills coaching can benefit people of all ages and backgrounds, from those with social anxiety to those with autism. The sooner someone begins receiving coaching, the sooner they start reaching their social goals.

For more examples of social success through coaching, check out some Jaunty Gym group members’ testimonials.


Eric Waisman

Eric Waisman

Founding Instructor

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